This map shows sightings of the spotted lanternfly in North America using data from iNaturalist's API. Drag the sliders to adjust the dates included, or click on the layers button in the top right of the map to view all of the data at once! Due to API restrictions, data is updated manually.
~Last updated March 11th, 2024~
This map is made using Leaflet with the help of QGIS , noUiSlider , and Asymmetrik's Leaflet-D3 Hexbins .
The default view is a hexgrid heatmap of sightings in whatever range of dates you choose. Try making a range of a few months and scanning through to see the sightings bloom every fall/winter! The slider date limits update automatically depending on the bounds of the current data, and the text in the lower left-hand corner of the map will let you know how many data points you're including in the range you've defined.
Try changing layers! When switching to the "All Sightings" layer, every data point is revealed. You can then view the data for an individual sighting by clicking on the dot of your interest. From there you can also visit the original listing on iNaturalist to see images of the insect and other information about that particular sighting.
Thank you for visiting!